Eco Tourism
EcoTourism Certification
HeliSpirit is proud to have been certified through Ecotourism, Australia’s world-leading ecotourism certification program, approved by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, since 2002.
Being a part of the Ecotourism certification program means that people who sell or participate in our tours are supporting a business that has invested in the ongoing conservation of our natural environment.
The Ecotourism certification program demonstrates that HeliSpirit is committed to:
- Looking after the natural environment that we work in and reducing our impact on sensitive areas.
- Offering quality interpretation and educate visitors about our environmental goals and how they can reduce their footprint.
- Believes strongly in supporting and engaging with the local community.
- Reducing our carbon footprint and teaching visitors how they may be able to reduce their own.
- The protection of our unique wildlife and endangered species.
- Contributing to the conservation of our environment and wildlife.
- The preservation of Australian indigenous cultures and guarantees their stories are shared with respect and sensitivity.
- Providing an unforgettable quality guest experience.
Commitment to Sustainability
- Leadership and promotion of the commitment to sustainable environmental management to all employees and contractors
- Compliance with relevant environmental legislation
- Continual improvement of environmental management, consequences and activities
- Identification, prevention, control and minimisation of environmental performance impacts associated with HeliSpirit operations
- Measurement, monitoring, reporting and improvement of environmental issues
The EMP is reviewed every 12 months.
Our two major remote bases, Purnululu and Mitchell Plateau, are located within National Parks under the control of the DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service, and in the case of Purnululu, in a World Heritage listed area. Accordingly, a high level of environmental compliance is required at all times, and we work closely with DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service to ensure the impact of all aspects of our business on the local environment is minimised. We are proud to be the only helicopter business in Western Australia based and operating in a World Heritage Listed Area.
The following strategies are included in the EMP to minimise our impact on the environment. Base-specific examples of the strategies in action are also detailed below.
Strategy 1 – Water Environmental Management
Strategy 2 – Air Environmental Management
Strategy 3 – Energy Consumption
Strategy 4 – Waste Management and Recycling
Strategy 5 – Noise Environmental Management